We, Lavi & Brands Ltd are a UK based business who highly concerned and respected about our customers’ online data security and privacy through our official website lavibrands.com.

lavibrands.com uses cookies and google analytics to improve the products and services we sell and for delivering a personalised shopping experience to our customers through the data we analysed and collected on your online behaviour. The data we collected and retained with us will not be disclosed to third party without our consent. However, we are not liable for any unauthorised or unlawful disclosures of your personal and confidential information made by third parties who are not subject to our control.

Transactions on our website are secured with SSL encryption and your financial information such as Credit/Debit card details will not be stored with us.

We reserve the right to reject or not accept any order if it appears to be irregular. Before we take such action will contact the customer before proceeding with the order to protect their interests and ours.

We may periodically review and make the necessary changes to keep this privacy statement up to date.

If you have any concerns further to this statement, please feel free to contact us on [email protected] 

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